
I Am An Influence

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Love. Live and let live. Let nothing come between you and yourself. Let no one hinder your growth, let no one slow you down. Let no one tell you that you cannot be anything you want to be. Love. Live and let live. Let nothing destroy your love for yourself. Ignore what cannot be changed and change what can. Change the world because you are the future. You and me. You and me and your children and my children and every generation after that. We are the future and it is completely irresponsible of us to pretend that we are not. We are the future and it is completely irresponsible of us to pretend that we have no control, because we have it all. We have complete and total control of ourselves and collectively, we have the power to do absolutely anything and everything. Thoughts become words become actions become character become influences become chains of reactions that change other people that change other people that change other people that change the world we live in. Change you and you change those around you change those around them change the communities we live in change the society we live in changes that grow exponentially and change everything. Do not pretend that other countries are not relevant to our lives they are. They are the future of an entire country and it's economy and it's well-being will impact those of us here who care who will do something who cannot do something because we are told they are too far, we cannot change that do not lie to me I am an influence do not lie to me I am an influence. I will not do anything for anyone telling me I am not allowed to change anything. This is a lie and I don't stand for people lying to me. This entire society is telling me I am not capable, I am not an influence. I am a child and I am the future. You are an adult and you are my future. You create a society in which I am supposed to function but you teach me that I must be a certain way do not tell me that I am not capable of carving my own path how dare you tell me these things. How dare you lie and say that to you, I am nothing, that to anyone, I am nothing. This is a lie because to me, I am all I have. I love my Mother and my Family but I know me best and I am. a. fucking. influence. I am my future because my Family merely carves a path that I may choose to follow and I may choose to make my own. I may choose to make my own way of life and it is my responsibility to make my future the  best I can. It is my responsibility to change my life, and with my life I want to change other people's lives. I want to make this world a better place and I want to see the sky turn blue with the atmosphere, not brown with pollution. I want to see a politician smile because he has made the world a better place, not because he's made someone in a Working Class community suffer for his own benefit. I want to see my Sister fly above this fucking town because she is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to see society blossom in the spring with love, not chemicals to enhance our product output because that only makes this inflation worse. I never want to see another 14 year-old Prostitute on the streets because she isn't being supported so she has to make money somehow. I never want to see someone crumble again under the pressure of society. These scars are meaningless if no one gets better and no one wants to anyone else to get fucking better why not this is our society why are we treating it like there are a million more there aren't. we have us and no one else. we are each other and we are responsible for bettering ourselves for the bettering of those around us. be an example of what to do and who to be. do not do this through standards and images of weight and shape and color and income do this through being bold and standing up and being strong. love because love will kill the pain and suffering in this world. love because love is the best thing that could ever happen to a person. love because love inspires passion inspires action inspires reaction inspires change inspires a chain of reactions that inspire chains of changes inspire the world to be a better place.
Love because love changes things.
Love. Live and let live. Let nothing come between you and yourself. Let no one hinder your growth, let no one slow you down. Let no one tell you that you cannot be anything you want to be. Love. Live and let live. Let nothing destroy your love for yourself. Ignore what cannot be changed and change what can. Change the world because you are the future. You and me. You and me and your children and my children and every generation after that. We are the future and it is completely irresponsible of us to pretend that we are not. We are the future and it is completely irresponsible of us to pretend that we have no control, because we have it all. We have complete and total control of ourselves and collectively, we have the power to do absolutely anything and everything. Thoughts become words become actions become character become influences become chains of reactions that change other people that change other people that change other people that change the world we live in. Change you and you change those around you change those around them change the communities we live in change the society we live in changes that grow exponentially and change everything. Do not pretend that other countries are not relevant to our lives they are. They are the future of an entire country and it's economy and it's well-being will impact those of us here who care who will do something who cannot do something because we are told they are too far, we cannot change that do not lie to me I am an influence do not lie to me I am an influence. I will not do anything for anyone telling me I am not allowed to change anything. This is a lie and I don't stand for people lying to me. This entire society is telling me I am not capable, I am not an influence. I am a child and I am the future. You are an adult and you are my future. You create a society in which I am supposed to function but you teach me that I must be a certain way do not tell me that I am not capable of carving my own path how dare you tell me these things. How dare you lie and say that to you, I am nothing, that to anyone, I am nothing. This is a lie because to me, I am all I have. I love my Mother and my Family but I know me best and I am. a. fucking. influence. I am my future because my Family merely carves a path that I may choose to follow and I may choose to make my own. I may choose to make my own way of life and it is my responsibility to make my future the  best I can. It is my responsibility to change my life, and with my life I want to change other people's lives. I want to make this world a better place and I want to see the sky turn blue with the atmosphere, not brown with pollution. I want to see a politician smile because he has made the world a better place, not because he's made someone in a Working Class community suffer for his own benefit. I want to see my Sister fly above this fucking town because she is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to see society blossom in the spring with love, not chemicals to enhance our product output because that only makes this inflation worse. I never want to see another 14 year-old Prostitute on the streets because she isn't being supported so she has to make money somehow. I never want to see someone crumble again under the pressure of society. These scars are meaningless if no one gets better and no one wants to anyone else to get fucking better why not this is our society why are we treating it like there are a million more there aren't. we have us and no one else. we are each other and we are responsible for bettering ourselves for the bettering of those around us. be an example of what to do and who to be. do not do this through standards and images of weight and shape and color and income do this through being bold and standing up and being strong. love because love will kill the pain and suffering in this world. love because love is the best thing that could ever happen to a person. love because love inspires passion inspires action inspires reaction inspires change inspires a chain of reactions that inspire chains of changes inspire the world to be a better place.
Love because love changes things.
© 2016 - 2024 miniazian
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